I typically enjoy Verizon Commercials. Maybe I am biased because I am a customer and have been since 2003, but they tend to be pretty good.

Here is the first version of ads for the "Juke". Pretty plain.

However, this new commercial for the Samsung "Juke" phone is a bit of a let down. The music is great, but the clip itself is boring, just a couple of people dancing. Anyway, enjoy the commercial.

The song, which I like, is "Watch Me Move" by HardNox. You can listen to them at or simply listen to a longer version of the song here -

There is a new series of Verizon commercials that involve a young teenager at the mall who receives a call from her mother. I love them! If only I can find the time to find them and put them up! Oh well...


  1. Afrobabe said...

    mennnn you were not joking when u said u liked the dancers...  


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